Dance of love

With your caduceus you walked among the shadows
And with my pipe I lighted them for you

With the smoke I lost you for a moment
And the snake showed me the way

Among addictions we find

You sat me on my couch and showed me my colors
From the darkest to the brightest

Take your stethoscope and listen to all your heartbeats
I felt the softest rhythms to the most intense

Some bottles to forget the abandonments
And some scarves to heal the sorrows
And in my arms two turns
One hand with the other
Dancing with the traitors
The beginning of a story

A reflection in the black mirror
You showed me my true form
Dress up your true self
Hidden in the shadows
The true compassionate and tender love of a true queen

I knew exactly where it hurt the most
They call me Shadowhunter
But I can't hunt myself

The dance of love
We close our eyes and dance like at a wedding
An eternal moment

Comentarios & Opiniones

cielo azul

Muy romántico y profundo donde dos almas se encuentran en el mismo camino, camino que los lleva a pasar momentos sublimes en medio de una danza sin fin.

Un gusto pasar por tus letras

María del Rocío

Nice poem congrats!
