One more time

poema de SAMR

Now you know, but yet not learned
How life's lessons disturb anything in their path
Shaking like a motherfucker
All that crap that's hard stuck

I can't do anything but relate
It's like a curse that's been hunting me down
I'm not myself, someone else takes over

Wishing I were as conscious as I am
I don't like who I've become
This new fight within me
Has claimed the peacefulness in my soul
Life-sucking essence-taking love
Who controls the valve? If I knew, I'd kill him
Who made me this way? Who broke me this bad?

But now the quietness has entered the room
I can reorganize my thoughts, and objectives, and push forward like I know how
It's time to grow, even more, the calluses around my heart
The trust has left the chat, only consciousness to heal

In this game, only the innocent pay for the sinners
But I've got the cheat codes already
They are expensive, I know
I've already paid the price

Comentarios & Opiniones


Cuando solo la gente paga por los pecadores, ese es el juego.
Ya tengo los códigos de trucos aquí,
Son caros,
Lo sé.
Ya pagué el precio.
Me fascinó! Excelente poeta saludos cordiales felicitaciones!


Interesante la equivalencia de intercambio, el justiprecio siempre algo que evade las balanzas
