I want to share the next song I wrote. It's called NEW YEAR


A new year begins
brings us happiness
love each other with faith and patience
He gives us a thousand blessings.

The night dresses as a party
with airs of light and peace
feelings lend themselves
to embrace that sea.

And you saw the stars burn
and sails on the high seas
we raise our heads
to really fight.

A new year begins
brings us happiness
to love our land
who wants to see us shine.

Songs within the soul
nostalgia for light and peace
Let's fly among kites
the dreams to achieve.

And you saw the stars burn
and sails on the high seas
seven heads uniforms
to fight for peace.

AUTHORSHIP: María Elena Lapadura
Argentina country
All rights reserved

Comentarios & Opiniones

Artífice de Sueños MARS rh

Miss Mel23
Start the year on the right song, setting the tone for a year brimming with happiness, prosperity, and serenity.
Have a blessed 2024 and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome the New Year with tranquil grace.


Hi Well well It´s good. It´s another poem in English. It´s very different but it´s good. Well as you say "A NEW YEAR BEGINGS" AND AS THEY SAY WE HAVE 365 DAYS OR 365 CHANCES TO DO THE THINGS. AND TRY TO DO THE THINGS THAT WE WANT TO DO. And greetings


Hola. Un saludo. Un poema además que dices que es una canción que escribiste. Muy bien. Felicitaciones y un saludo poetisa and A HAPPY NEW YEAR AND GREETINGS.


Muy buena obra, saludos.
